Tuesday, March 15, 2011

World War 2 and Pearl Harbor - The Internment of the Japanese

7 December 1941 at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, which attacked the American naval base of Japanese forces in WW2, effectively. After the Japanese citizens in the UNITED States West Coast, as a matter of who "had shifted to" was thought to be the national security. This is the subject of much debate in concentration camps. Compare them with many of the concentration camps of the Nazi regime, but others see them as the "summer camps is pretty light."A farewell to Manzanar, this was a holiday camps in remote you can clearly see the autobiography and reviewing the Government's response to the fields of relocation in the post war often can see the history of modern American thought by examining a stain on the Course to by.There are concentration camps, but the relocation and internment of Japanese historians argue that the Defense had precisely during the second world war.

Immediately after Pearl Harbor, there was fear that the Japanese empire is planning a full scale Naval attack on the West coast of the United States of America. This suspicion of leading u.s. Government unconstitutional move and kept 120,000 Japanese. These approximately sixty two percent are American citizens. Feelings were that citizenship, itself does not provide a loyalty to the United States. Jeanne Wakatsuki, and her family were non-US citizens and because her father had a fishing boat, the FBI excluded him as a possible Japanese Devotee. Easy to look back on the past situation with 20/20 vision, is, if one separates of the outcome of the war, it is easy to understand the suspicion Japanese people. With a very strong Navy, attack in the West of the USA with the Japanese would have devastating consequences for the country, is a completely different beast all together to detain people for years, at the mere suspicions. In fact, Jeanne Wakatsuki was only seven years old when the first and she didn't even speak the Japanese language. How can you justify the detainment of seven years who do not speak the language and have no contact with her relatives in Japan?

80. the Government shall be determined in accordance with the Commission, examine the logs on the American investigation of the matter. The Committee shall be determined on the basis of the concentration camp was "unjust and motivated by racism rather than real military necessity. There are two fronts ", Europe and the Pacific, fought for retreat. Although the Germans and the Italians, who were not American citizens, who also moved to United States citizens but only to the Italian or European origin is not affected. This fact alone proves that the Japanese were racially fit precisely on the basis of Asian appearance. Civil Liberties Act of 1988 introduced vis-à-vis each twenty thousand dollars for their surviving MORE hardship, as compensation. Most can look back and to complain to the embarrassment of what happened in the modern era. However, I have just been through ingestion. Japanese secrets in the case of racial profiling, which, due to the fact that 11 September 2001 had great political debate on the subject of this country. Shortly after the terrorist attacks, most people found problems with the Arabs during the racial profile of airport security they believe the document national security and to prevent another terrorist attack was anticipatory measure. The Americans will look back on these times forty years later, just as happened in the Japanese concentration camp, and with the regret their beliefs?

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